is proud to announce Virtual Tour Hit Reports 2.0!
These all new hit statistic reports will not only show where
virtual tour views and leads are coming from but they also
display which rooms and scenes from within the 360 tours are
being viewed the most. This slick new reporting system works
for all DTours virtual tour types in the DTours

virtual tour reporting system has been engineered to work
specifically with our new virtual tour window and will only
display traffic reports on virtual tours that are hosted by
the Real Tour Vision network server facility.

And, by popular demand, we will be keeping our secret "On
Demand" hit stat button active which is located directly
on our virtual tour window. Our on demand virtual tour
traffic button is programmed to display our new stat
reporting page when pressed.
new hit reporting system also allows automated weekly
virtual tour reports to be sent out to any email address.
These weekly hit reports will keep everyone involved, up to
date, and able to monitor where marketing dollars and
efforts pay off the most.
is dedicated to continually keeping our technology at the
cutting edge of virtual tour technology.